Glue?  Seriously?  Yes, I have done a few blogs on this topic and it is time to revisit (and remind ourselves about) our all-important “glue” – collagen.

You hear a lot more about it these days than even 3 years ago when I was blogging about it.  

Collagen is found throughout our body.  It’s a structural element of bones, muscles, tendon, and ligaments.  Collagen and skin are always talked about together, because it’s a major component of our largest organ (our skin).  

You see, the roots of the word “collagen” go back to the Greek word kolla, which means glue.  So just think to yourself – connections and adhesive effects – but we can get even more specific:

  • 75% of your skin is made of this age-defying nutrient – if you’re deficient, your skin looks worse and becomes less protective against foreign microbes…
  • 70-80% of your joints and tendons are made from collagen – if you’re lacking, you can feel those creaks and pops all the time and experience needless discomfort…
  • 90% of your bones are made of collagen – if you don’t have enough, fractures and breaks can happen with more frequency…
  • Your gut depends on collagen – if you are lacking collagen, your intestinal wall can tear and leak, causing rather unenjoyable digestive discomfort…
  • Even your hair and nails are mostly collagen – a collagen-rich head of hair and strong nails is something for which we yearn, especially as we age…
  • Nearly 80% of your immune power is actually in your gut…collagen is one of your belly’s best friends

But wait!  Don’t just go grab a “collagen” supplement off the shelf of your health food store and think you are covered.  As I found in my own experience–  and the nutritionists will tell you – that store shelf supplement likely only has one type of collagen.  And that just doesn’t work.  You need FIVE types – collagen types I, II, III, V and X.  

(Pssst!  Plus – you likely won’t see any indication of “3rd party independent testing” which would prove the store shelf supplement has in it what it says it does)

One health site I researched called out the “missing collagen types” stating that they are nowhere to be found in most collagen supplements .  In fact, they said it was rare to find more than one type of collagen in a store shelf supplement!

My experience?  Yes, it is the same company through whom I get my basic essential nutrients – Youngevity.  Back when I first blogged about this a few years ago, I encouraged you to “check the labels”.  Not only does Youngevity’s label show all the types in their products, they have now provided all the details about collagen and details you need to know about getting what you need.  These are short videos you can check out for free.  

Additional experience – when I researched this in the past, I compared the company whose blog was supporting the need for collagen with Youngevity’s products.  I found that Youngevity’s dose amount was higher than the other company’s product and Youngevity’s was less expensive per gram than the compared company.

So, as I went back to do the updating of my info for this blog, I found Youngevity’s videos on collagen.  It is such an important protein for our body – I want to share the link for you to make up your own mind.  But I also discovered a new collagen product I didn’t know they had – Collagen Creamer – for those who like their coffee “creamed”.  You can “up the taste” of your coffee or tea and at the same time support healthy hair, skin, nails, bones and joints as well as increase your energy level.

My fav?  I use the Collagen Peptides for joint health support.  Ok, true confession, I just love the triple berry taste – sometimes I make it a hot drink and on hot days, I make it an icy cold drink.   I kind of forget that it has 4 of the 5 types of collagen – plus glucosamine, chondroitin, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and turmeric.  I just remember checking it out and it was very good for me – especially at my age.  As I age, I know how much less collagen my body produces (and how much more I need to supplement it).  

So, here ya’ go!  Check it out quickly (they are short videos, I promise) which will educate you on a topic that is very important.  Not to scare you, but the process of collagen decline starts in your twenties or thirties – and yep, I am waaaaay past that stage! 

The link is Collagen Products – Health & Nutrition (

Here’s to getting that “glue” that holds us together nicely!

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health-related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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