“The Christian life is not difficult”  –this Henry Blackaby quote got my attention quickly.

I realize my topic this time is “Body” – you know, health. 

Then again, as I have said all the way through creating this Journey Well website, we are multifaceted beings.  And I offer 3 distinct areas of transformation because when you bring healing to one area of your life, it automatically begins to spill over and improve the rest – Heart, Body & Soul.

And then it hit me – living a nutritionally supplemented life is not difficult either.  [no eye rolls until you read the rest of this story]

I tracked Blackaby’s outline of points and realized how parallel it was with the topic I had chosen for the health blog this week.  Usually, when people hear my story about Youngevity nutrition and what it has done for me, they say “wow, what is that stuff?”.  But I have learned (the hard way) they really only want to hear a simple fix – nothing complicated. Yeah, like being a Christian.

Blackaby’s next point was that God’s will is not hard to discern – and essentially he leads one to look in His Word and be directed by scripture.  It is the resource that leads a Christian to His will and the Holy Spirit for guidance.

So when I thought about that point, I remembered Dr. Wallach’s saying that God made our body so that it can heal itself, and it wants to heal itself and all we need to do is give the body what it needs to heal itself.  His research and experience led him to focus on 90 essential nutrients our body needs daily — and 60 of those are minerals.

There ya go – the resources that are needed. Mineral deficiency is not hard to understand (our soil is depleted/any food grown on it is therefore depleted/so we don’t get enough from our food). We need to successfully bring into our bodies sufficient minerals and vitamins and help them go to work there. 

Truly, there is an easy path to follow via Drs. Wallach and Glidden trainings.   I have boiled down the initial nutrition routine to a 5 minute “just before bed” system and that is the main effort required.  Sort of like brushing your teeth every night before bed. Add on following the clear food guidelines as you eat daily and you can make sure your body absorbs the needed nutrients.

So now comes a difficult point that is the key one. 

Blackaby says that God did not excuse disobedience because His instructions were too vague or complex.  He says God gave detailed instructions so there was no mistaking what was expected of them.  Instead, God asked the Israelites to make a choice. 

You see, if they chose to obey God’s direction, they would receive blessing. So a Christian’s greatest challenge is to wholly commit their life to following God’s will obediently as He reveals it in His “directions” book.  

Likewise – the greatest challenge I have seen as I help people start in the Youngevity nutritional health program is for them to commit to daily eat wisely plus consistently supplement themselves with the basic foundational nutrients pak to support their bodily systems’ needs.

What I have witnessed is that the people who do commit and stay on track with the eating and supplement plan we lay out together end up recognizing good effects upon their health that confirm the path they are on. 

However, those who only partially try it, or more often, never get started (due to many reasons) experience no benefit and move quickly to searching for other avenues to get quick and easy relief from their issues.  I can only help those who commit and do the nutrition work we lay out together.

So, in the grand finale here, Blackaby shoots straight at the key issue saying “The question is, how will you respond?”

In regard to learning about and following the Youngevity nutrition path, I pose the same question, “how will you respond?” As always, I am available for a brief “clarity” session if you would like help with anything I mentioned – click HERE to set that up.

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health-related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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