

The Key to Healthy Relationships

P. Brian Noble is an everyday guy who loves Jesus and cares deeply about people’s relationships.  He is the Executive Director/CEO of Peacemaker Ministries and has been an ordained minister for over twenty years.  Brian loves to teach biblical peacemaking and watch the lights come on for participants. I have benefitted greatly from his 365-day

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Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Ok, I agree with that if we are talking about animals – dogs or cats etc.  But I suspect you have heard this as often as I have in another vein – the meaning was “let’s leave things as they are”, especially to avoid restarting or rekindling an argument or conflict. What?  Conflicts and disagreements

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Me? Cause Fights?

You may remember a blog I did recently on “Not Quarrelsome” where I confessed my being convicted by Blackaby’s statement: If you find yourself often quarreling with others, you need to ask God to clearly reveal your motives and to forgive you for your disobedience to His clear command. I dealt with the “disobedience” issue

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Need a Leader?

Ok, this is definitely a timely topic – but I will NOT go all “political” on you.   Let’s start with a biblical perspective – a wise source — and it may be instructive in all arenas.  Apply it as you wish. I am thinking more in the personal realm.   You know those friends who

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Your Right Hand

The Free Dictionary says the common definition of “right-hand man” is “their close assistant and the person they trust to help and support them in everything they do.”  Wouldn’t everyone want a “right-hand man”?  Even you “lefties” out there?    I wanted more about the origin of this term.  I found the oldest usage is of

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After Roe, Choose Compassion

In 1973, I moved with my husband and our 1-year-old child to Pueblo, Colorado.  I was 27 years old and worked part-time as an investigator for the District Attorney.  Pueblo was small enough that we trained with the police department and had a small staff of investigators. Since I was the only female, I was

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Ultimate Trust

Blackaby pulled me up short with his statement  “They gave lip service to their trust in God, but their actions showed where their faith really was:  in their military and financial might.”   (Henry Blackaby Experiencing God Day By Day) Of course I have read Jeremiah’s story — and felt sorry for him.  The Israelite’s of

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Just the Way I Am

How many times have you heard “that’s just the way I am” from someone – or even yourself? In my mediation work I heard it often.  And usually as a tool for justifying a behavior – usually not a behavior that was helpful or kind. Stifling my “Oh, really?” response with a snarky evaluation of

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How Do I Convince Them I’m Right?

In working with believers who are in a strained or broken relationship situation, I observe exactly what Lain Ehmann describes below.  She is a podcaster with whom I became acquainted when she assisted me in my online business using her extensive copywriting background (Tony Robbins and other big-name folks).   She is a radio host, speaker

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Your Character House

In Bible times, a person’s name represented his character, according to Henry Blackaby in Experiencing God Day by Day.  If you knew someone’s name, you knew what the person was like.  He points to Abram to illustrate this.  The Lord wanted to bless all the nations through Abram, but Abram’s character was too weak for

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Meet Candy


I'm Candy.

A lawyer by trade, and a Sherpa by choice; I draw upon my professional experience and combine valuable insight from others to help you REVITALIZE YOUR LIFE story.